Trips and Travel
giles, hope you and kiya have a safe trip! i would love to tag along someday and just absorb everything that you two experience. as kiya knows, i'm an iron heart addict
Don't want to burst your bubble, but I suspect we're not the only ones to realise you have an addiction
I'm going to have a few new International retailers tagging along, so it could be a party.
Really hope you can make it the Shrine with us one day - you know you would be more than welcome. I'd love to see Haraki-san trying to think of any of his Japanese customers who have more Iron Heart gear than you.I completely second that! Safe travels any maybe Pete and I will make a Pillgrimage to the Holy Land soon!
As of tomorrow (17th), I will probably be out of touch from about 10:00 GMT until about 22:00 GMT. On a couple of planes, so I'll be back online when I hit Tokyo. Weds PM (Tokyo time) it's the Flat Head Spring Summer 2010 collection, then the rest of the time is dedicated to Haraki and the IHHQ crew.
Well I'm back.
Photo's here: Nov 2010/Japan November 2009/index.html
Managed to sneak in some "quality" internet time during my vacation so IH Forum is top priority! Great Pics Giles… the Stenciled Iron Heart Down Jacket is my favorite pic. I could feel the intensity during the round table talks...
Yeah, It was all very convivial intensity, but Haraki did complain that his head was exploding after 5 hours of listening to English
One day i shall finally step foot on the land of Japan
One day i shall finally step foot on the land of Japan
And this will be a life changing experience, trust me. It fucking blew my mind.
Found this.
learning it now, it will be real useful when i go one day.
What jeans beats?