Jewelry - Silver/Gold/Pendants/Rings/Bracelets
Recently pulled the trigger on this cuff from the US, courtesy of the awesome Brennan (Firefly, Pirates of the Caribbean, Deadwood) Byers. I've had cheaper cuffs in a variety of styles over the last 30+ years but always longed for a top drawer example. This should last forever. Brennan was fantastic to deal with - now eyeing up his belts and other accessories for next year.
Cool, Anesthetist! I've been eyeing up the pirates' garrote cuff for a while. Your photo really shows the detail. Love it!
That Larry Smith stuff is awesome. Nice score.
won this stoplight on yahoo jp auction
I dream to get this one day, saw on taopao those with ruby eyes and gold coin on the O ring.
How much did you win this for?
won this stoplight on yahoo jp auction
I dream to get this one day, saw on taopao those with ruby eyes and gold coin on the O ring.
How much did you win this for?
about 60000 or 70000 yen
dont buy it on taopao, the price is very high ( rmb)
keep an eye on japan yaho auctions
Very nice, they just opened a store about a block from where I live…I have the Bill Wall version.