Samurai Jeans
Check measurements
I've decided I need some 0500's in my life again , gonna place an order next week
Was soo bummed when I sold my last pair but they were a bit too big after losing some weight
Thinking I need a 29 this time instead of the 30's ( gonna be soo broke after paying for my ooe contest jeans and now these but I've convinced myself that I NEED these)
Or on secon thought mabie a pair of 5000vx :-\ -
Haha…or on a third thought, just enjoy the OOE?!
I know that feeling all too well
Sleep some time about it and think again if you really "need" them. If yes, we can talk -
Go for it Flash
We are still waiting for pics, Blackheart
I know b_F, being on call here at the hospital cuts into my weekend time…Will try to get them up asap
amidst my work schedule. So sorry for the delay. -
And a great looking pair of jeans Rafa!
Damn… Your pics still aren't coming up here on my work computer Rafa, SUCKETH!!!
I'll have to look at them on my cell at lunch, bet they're great!
great pair Rafael!
@Blackheart: I'm just curious to see them. Whenever you got the time, I'll be ready
b_F, I'll try to get them up this coming weekend.