Introduce Yourself Here
Hello. How are you coping so far?? :).
Haha it isn't as bad as I thought they would be!
Hello everyone!
The name stated and i'm Indonesian. i have been wearing the original 18oz 666 for quiet a while, bout a year i guess.
i already know this forum from a long time, but just decided to join nowstill finding my way around here, and from my stroll i've found that the 666XHS is very very very very tempting
cheers, good day
i have been wearing the original 18oz 666 for quiet a while, bout a year i guess.
Let's see those jawns!
BrownIcon, aka Brownmetallic/IIIRD Icon, chiming in!
Señor Metallic, good to see you over here. Welcome!
Hello everyone, I'm Joe from Tulsa, Oklahoma. It's embarrassing how obsessed I've become with these jeans. I swear, I worked part time today because I couldn't stop staring at the pictures of IH jeans! I only wish there was a store here for my big ass to try them on! I'm so worried about the fit because my body type is really tricky. At 5'11" and 275, I'm almost as wide as I am tall! But, holy crap, I make it look good! I just gotta get some Iron Hearts to build the foundation of my fall, wardrobe! I just spent a couple hours trying on my old jeans and taking measurements, and I'm still not sure! I have really enjoyed reading through this forum, and I appreciate Giles setting it up! I can already feel my bank account getting lighter.