Introduce Yourself Here
Hi all, my name is Aya and I hail from Jakarta, Indonesia. I've been a lurker here for quite some time now and just then I finally decided to sign up, as today marks the first day of me owning my 'holy grail' pair of Iron Heart jeans – the indigo version of the SExIH07.
Never, ever have I seen anything like them before. And that is very much an understatement.
Anyway, really looking forward to share with everyone here. Cheers!
What up stever?!?! #333 Welcome!
And Welcome to mathewscott255 #334!
And another Member as entered the building… Welcome sergedenimes!!!
a.khan12390, Glad you made it over! Now post up some fit flicks of those Strike Gold's here: Cheers!
Solix, thanks for coming over with those IH-634SR's! AMAZING!!!
#339 Welcome to my second home! Hope to see some posts from you real soon. Have a loom around if you have not already and ENJOY!!!
Welcome to the IH Forum Onairda!
#342 DrZRM, Welcome to Iron Heart Heaven!!!