Introduce Yourself Here
welcome michael!
I'm going to need to get my hands on a copy of the WG book ASAP. Didn't know about the denim history angle, but it sounds legit and very interesting. A convo about Pattern Recognition was one of my first few around here, so feel at home!
Good to have ya.Oh, and get at Giles if you wanted the IH/Aero special treatment.
Thanks for the welcome! I had dinner with Gibson last week through work and he's a really nice guy. I don't want to spoil anything in the new book, but read Spook Country first if you haven't already, all three of the Bigend (starting with Pattern Recognition) books are linked.
Having said that, he's now responsible for my current denim quest, so he's got a lot to answer for!
Wow. I'm jealous. I loved Neuromancer and Spook Country. Just listed him in the books thread! Weird and well, awesome.
Hi Stokely
It was a fun dinner, I was on my best behaviour, didn't even say "I'm your biggest fan"…
Hello all you new members! Glad you finally made the leap to sign up. Now that you are here, please update your avatars and profiles so that everyone becomes easier to recognize. With so many new members, it helps to differentiate yourself somehow (ie. Signatures, Avatars, Profile Info). Also, posting in the WAYWT Thread also helps. Anyhow, welcome and do not be afraid to ask questions. Also, PM - Private Messaging, can be your friend!
thanks for the tips lando!
Hello Giles! its Casey from SELA.. hope you made it back home so glad you guys made it out for the party..hope to see you sometime soon
hello everyone else….im Casey.. this is my first post.
Hello everyone. I've joined the ranks of Iron Heart wearers with a pair of IH-9634Z's. Living reasonably close to Giles I visited his premises yesterday and had the pleasure of meeting him and purchasing my pair of Iron Hearts at the same time. Not only that, I also witnessed the intricate and time consuming process of threading the Union sewing machine whilst Giles kept a cool and calm head.
I'm very pleased with my purchase and had a chance to look at a number of other items. Coincidentally I have been an Aero Leather Clothing customer for a few years so am very glad to see the partnership evolve. I tried on the new Cafe Racer which was fantastic. I'm definitely going to get one when they appear.
I look forward to participating with you all.
Nathan -
Giles.. looks like that threading tip is working out for you! im still seriously considering grabbing a pair of 634sr (even though i have only had my 9634s 2 weeks)
What up Casey?!?! Oh and it looks like farmer has joined the clan. Guess he needs that Heavy Weight Flannel Fix… Welcome ALL!
What up guys?
I'm on Sufu so I know a few of your usernames from there (same username, used to be LetsGetSerious on there), and I know Seul/Eli from VLV/BFSO and figured I might as well sign up here.
Looking forward to jawns.
hey guys, (and Beatle):). I have the same username on SuFu…pretty new to IH..dark rider flannel was the beginning of my addiction. I'm looking forward to being a part of this forum, which I feel is a lot more intimate compared to Sufu..
I met Landon and Giles(accidentally when he mistook for me for someone else) lol, at the SELA party...
anyways it's great to be a part of this!Josh