IHSH-70 - Heavy Herringbone Flannel Western (Red, Grey and Sax)
Hereforthebeer and Cole. Both awesome!!
Id still like a red one in 3X if someone isnt wearing theirs…. -
Cheers @joshr3935
Amazing shirt. Would kill for these
Amazing shirt. Would kill for these
I have someone who annoys me , maybe we can work a deal ?
Ha ha
Looking great, one of the all time greats. So thankful I tracked one down in my size!
@Traser2g agreed and nice fit…i think its the softest/most comfortable flannel from IH that i own
wearing it today too. Love it every time i wear it yet it gets the least wear out of all my flannels and i don't know why…
Thanks guys. With so many great options it is tough to make time for everything. I get lots of compliments in the office on this shirt. It's just universally awesome in form and function.