Sounds great @jerkules welcome back. I went to Track Tuesday for the first time in months this morning and it was very hard
I have logged 435 km’s in the past 4 months with the last month and a half dedicated to zone 2 training. Overall I feel great with the pounds slowly slipping away, better sleep, and just better overall health.
My daily runs are now about 10km’s with my long, slow, run closer to 20km’s.
That’s a lot of progress @goosehd its fun to see things add up in a big picture like that. Any thoughts on next developments? Maybe joining a local track running group or signing up for an event?
Ran a pretty huge PR in Chicago a couple of weeks back. I'm the one in the Iron Heart; I had a chance to sneak back to the hotel for a quick shower before some of my friends were projected to finish.
When's the next event then @Dmart so you can run under 90?
Great plan. Let us know which races you end up going for.
@Napa-Transplant Congrats! Chicago is one of my favorite courses. Pretty sure I've worked a couple shifts with the tall guy in the back left?? Work at a little local running store when I'm not teaching!
@mumonkey72 It definitely felt like a fast course (which was confirmed when they announced a new world record while I was still quite far from the finish). Funnily enough, I think that Chicago was the first time I met the gentleman you mentioned; that photo was a cross section of several different running groups from DC.
@Napa-Transplant Ahhh got it. What club are you in? I work once a week for Potomac River Running, were mainly in NOVA now, but we still do some events in DC.
@mumonkey72 I normally run with the Navy Yard Pacers gang, but the core of my marathon training was solo Anacostia River Trail mileage.
@Napa-Transplant lol small world! If I ever see another guy at a convention/packet pickup in all Iron Heart I'll know it's you!