IHSH-72 - Ultra Heavy Buffalo Check Western Shirts
I love that green one Greenie.
Thanks Davito . Tried a green of similar style (not IH brand ) , found the red suited my
pasty , fish belly white complexion better. Kudos to those who can strut the green . -
^ That's weird jock1624, because that (IH) shade of green is supposed to suit pasty-faced people. That's one of the reasons I'd love to have one.
Perhaps the lighting in the shop didn't help , my daughter made a funny face too .
So the red it was . -
New pick up. Thanks mega.
Still my favorite shirt and due to climate change approbriate for christmas time. -
Looking rugged DrBabyhorse and Max P !
I'm pretty sure I never said this was my favorite shirt, right?
Can't wait for the purple
IH purple always is