Stripped edges and brass eyelets? Definite improvement if so, and makes them look more like the expensive handmade shoes that they are. For me, black edges are synonymous with generic mass-produced shoes, and would never be my choice, however I would allow that they have their place with formal dress shoes of a certain type.
^you're a braver man than me rockin' that combo^
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grabbed a 2nd hand pair of lightly used selsalden collabo & they are great boots.
images after the hump . . .
such a great warm color, love these leather soul * self edge* aldens
oh here are images of the current inspired make-up
so good
Very nice.
Just sent my 405's to be bastardised with a 2021 christy sole, will post results when they return. Sorry @seawolf
2021 soles are superb!
… Go for it @Megatron1505
Ha ha, I have to admit that it was the "free" part that tempted me to do this mad experiment
My cobbler just sent me these images, new leather midsole added too.
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Your famous love of the christy
I dig the new look. Really ought to get around to having my Indys resoled as well but I want a replacement cork sole and need to send them back to Alden. The hardest part is having to part with my favourite boots for several months.