Red Wing Shoes
Picking up my Iron Rangers this weekend, pics forthcoming…
glad you mentioned the leather laces. i kept lookin at them trying to figure out what was different, hehehehehehehe
no prob. i like them alot, not nearly as bulky as other red wings i own. they definitley have a "dressier" feel. i much prefer them to my clarks desert boots.
just gave my GT's a clean and treatment. they will be put away until the nice and cold months of sept on outward. really would love to get my hands on some Iron Rangers now though.
however, i think i'll do better with the IH Vibergs.
i have some black iron rangers and i love em.
riff and hectic making me want to go in on a pair sooner than expected… uh oh! hahahaha. funny thing is i would like either black or rough out! hahahahhaha.
FUCK! damn man, you are quite the Ranger!
Just got my Iron Rangers ( yesterday, in brown ), love them! Hope DS posts the pics today…
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Blackheart's Iron Rangers -
nice roping on those jeans already, that is crazy.
now to the boot. it is a beauty, very choco-late-y. leather laces like the Iron Ranger King D97x7 does or are you going to go for colored laces like Denim Sailor does or maybe just leave them as is???