IH-816 - 17oz Duck Work Pants
And ordered!
Guess what I was hoping for. If the 32 also measures up to close to 33" waistwise (16.5 would be perfect), then Paula will know what to do
Got a size 32 (measures 33) on my packing bench ready to head to Belgium
same request as seul. any chance of a navy/beige tagged 32 that measures 33"?
Going by posted measurements, beige and khaki measure just under 33"… I was just making sure the navy ones measured the same... You should be fine...
im looking at the navy and beige. which color you got mate? and you know, unless im sure of the measurements, i won't dare risking it. learnt it once with the 666Sod.
thought it 32.8" for the tagged 34 but they came in at 31.5" there about. so yeah, unless i'm sure its really close to 33", i won't jump at it and end up causing troubles to G & P like how i did in the past.
I prefer my 32 to measure 32. You two are silly!