Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
^fuck the heavy weights I wanna see some skiing pics
I'll try to grab a couple selfies tomorrow.
I got some remnants of powder on Wends at Bridger Bowl and a few clean lines at Lost Trail on Thursday but there is a super big high pressure system sitting over the entire west at the moment so I'll be lucky to see snow before I leave. Nothing but groomers for the next week.
Oh well, the skiing is still great and this truly is beautiful country (although extremely desolate)
Has it really been 9 months. Time flies. Digging the whiskers on my MBB.
Little repair on the right cuff using canvas tent repair waxed thread. Seemed tough enough.
Evo time:
Max Power will have a pair of white pants by the end of the comp. That pair looks awesome.
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Flo doesn't disappoint, fantastic mate.
Thank you all, much appreciated!
**HWDC Challenges Round 5
- Introduce your country.
As this is a WORLD Championship you should use the opportunity to showcase an aspect or aspects of your countries history or culture. These can be as broad or as specific as you like and you can choose to show as many as you would like so long as it is unique to your country.
- Love is in the jawns.
It's valentines day, show us your romantic side.
- Working in work wear.
It's work wear right, so work in it !
Challenges end on May 1st 2014.**
i could do with some snow, it has been weeks since i have worn my steel feathers, i just aint man enough for 40c.