2012 - Belgium
So, you're back late tomorrow right?
It was brilliant, but there are others in my stash that I am far more excited about opening. I did the typical G thing and peaked too early, I went large on everything and then when we had no more room for more, we were only about 60% through Seuls list. I think I misinterpreted "one". When he said "buy one or two of them", I thought he meant case…....
Yet he waisted valuable trunk space with Royco soup
Yet She waisted valuable trunk space with Royco soup
Proclaimed to be the best beer in the world by many http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westvleteren_Brewery
Westvleteren monastery would be closed during the holidays:
See you Friday night
Westvleteren monastery would be closed during the holidays:
I've never been, but until recently it was said that you could only get their beer at their monastery… However, a few weeeks ago they exported a very limited amount here to the US (not every state got it and even if a state did, it was limited to a select few liquor stores) to pay for a new roof. 4 bottle packs were ~$80 (USD) and sold out instantly, at least here in Boulder, CO. A store got it right down the street from me, but a line formed prior to the liquor store opening and as I was late to the party I missed out.
A Sign From Above? Needing New Roof, Monks Sell Rare Beer In U.S.