viberg somthing lol. Giles will start a thread for other to order if they are keen (as i dont have 20 posts yet) just need to get a photo. As i have 3 boots photos that i want to put into one.
You know, you could just post more, we don't bite :). Well most of us don't
Thanks snowy i started on SUFU so need to bulid here and I am trying!
You know, you could just post more, we don't bite :). Well most of us don't
Thanks snowy i started on SUFU so need to bulid here and I am trying!
Without hijacking, nice to meet you, welcome :).
Be as mysterious as you want dude
what are people thoughts on this? Do you like the rough out? or go all leather?
Mine are 50/50 too, I like it.
You guys are KILLING ME!
I had dreams about boots last night but i still cant decide haha
Get this I had a dream last night where I flew into a hospital inside a volcano and visited Mega with a bad leg, what's that all about?!
Scared now.
what are people thoughts on this? Do you like the rough out? or go all leather?
Personally, I don't care for two tone boots. That said, these look really nice and I think they would be more interesting to see in the contest.
Ha ha you guys make me go like a yo yo. any one see any serious issues in using rough out, indigo stains, life span etc
Some people love the look of rough out, some don't, depends what look you want . If I were you I'd look at worn pairs of smooth and worn pairs of rough out
Good idea, thanks
Those are bad ass IMO
Now that is what i want to hear! BAD ASS