Viberg Scout Boot
Your birkies?
Slowly breaking these bad boys in. Fit still feeling pretty close to perfect. With thick socks everything's 100%, thin sock about 90% ace. Able to get away with either I'm pretty sure.
Relevant question with shitty weather on it's way over. Should these be Obenauf'd? Not familiar with Buffalo leather. Thanks in advance.
Relevant answer here
Still utterly utterly in love with these. Still trying to work out the word to describe the feeling my feet feel. Overjoyed is all I've got still. They're just really comfortable, lol….anyhow.......
I gave these a light coat of Ovenauf's last night to prepare for the upcoming winter. I've NEVER seen leather absorb it so quickly. The buffalo's gone from being this really bumpy/rough leather to a nice soft, smooth, grained leather. I'm sure in a few weeks it'll be back to being rough :). In the mean time it looks like they absorbed some needed oils.
Would be keen to hear how the rest of these are going and if you've put any oils in/on them.....I was not expecting such a large difference....