Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
501, it makes a huge difference to taste. The same coffee ground correctly for the brew method, and then brewed in 4-5 different brew methods will taste quite different. Some notes will be the same, but they accentuate different characteristics. I'd be very surprised if there's not at least a few places doing siphon in Germany. I've got mates who used to drink Chemex filter coffee in Berlin last year, so imagine it is about. Maybe one for you to investigate when you've got a few hours free at some point :).
Mrs Snowy and I got out of the major populated areas this morning and took it nice and slow by the water. The weather was/is still nice, so we both dressed a little nice for our walk. Afterwards a quick swing by the city on the way home for lunch, and now off to the pool.
all photos are clickable for larger.
The only photo of the WT's from today (Sorry 501)
Glad I wasn't sitting on this boat, it's flooded. Mind you, it'd of been more stable (my boat rocked!)
A Tea factory
I'm really not sure who designs, or signs off on these things.
Jackson Pollock Boat
An Egret -
Mrs Snowy with her Miu Miu bag infront of Miu Miu. Too cheesy to resist -
Great pics there Snowman! Have to organise a hook up soon to shoot the shit. Coffee?
Oh, and I don't put out on the first date! Hahaa! Just kidding
This is the end of my world tour folks. It's been great having you along and sharing Sydney and my life with you all. I feel like I only brushed the surface of the city, really covering 2-3 areas well, and leaving out massive swathes of it. However, such has been my life for the month. I hope you've enjoyed a slice of Sydney as it transitions to Spring, it was a great time of year, and I'm humbled and thankful that I've been able to part-take in this world tour.
I'll get a final macro set up during the week if light allows hopefully. After that they'll be off to their home in Gosport, UK.
Speaking of Gosport, at some point during the tour I figured the below - I couldn't think of a better way to end my active tour. (Taken yesterday).
From Gosport St, Cronulla, Sydney, NSW, Australia to Gosport, UK, off they shall go.
(That was trying to keep my shirt straight @ the same time as pointing @ the sign, neither worked, but you all know it's IH-Gosport)
Very fitting finale to a superb leg. I'm sure the whole community here is as sad as I am that it's already over. Was this really four weeks already? Who has turned the clocks?
Indeed!! Bravo!
Yeah, awesome leg, Snowy.
501, it makes a huge difference to taste. The same coffee ground correctly for the brew method, and then brewed in 4-5 different brew methods will taste quite different. Some notes will be the same, but they accentuate different characteristics. I'd be very surprised if there's not at least a few places doing siphon in Germany. I've got mates who used to drink Chemex filter coffee in Berlin last year, so imagine it is about. Maybe one for you to investigate when you've got a few hours free at some point :).
You are, of course, right. I googled, and there's a coffee bar in Kreuzberg opened in December 2011 that does all the coffee procedures I only noticed from your post, incl. Chemex, aeropress, and yes, siphon. I'll go there when I'm next in the area.
The steam?
Beautiful, just beautiful end shots. Oh, that urge to wear those beauties again…
Has Soba crawled into the right leg? She really does seem to appreciate the WTs almost as much as us human wearers do...