Unpopular opinions
@Giles , In England we call it rounders, it's played by girls.
I'm indifferent/not interested in most sports, but I do enjoy baseball. There's nothing wrong with that Chris, and totally understandable. It can be very boring at times, and with 160+ games, it's a long season. I will say though, that being from Boston, I'm a Red Sox fan and always will be. There's something magical about seeing a game at Fenway that might even change your mind about the game.
Fenway is a great park.. Avoid the seats from 1912 if you're taller than 5'6".
Star Wars is average.
I've never seen Star Wars, and I've never really wanted to. But, when I got drunk this Saturday I kinda "traded" Star Wars to Game of Thrones. A friend of mine promised to watch GoT if I watched Star Wars. Fair enough. Except that she'll get an awesome experience haha..
Anyway, what movie do I start with? The first, chronologically, or the..first?
I really don't want to watch it haha.. I'll see if I can get out of the arrangement.
Star Wars was amazing when I was 5, and I've been a lifelong super fan because that nostalgic enthusiasm kept up its momentum. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way about it.
Definitely start with episode IV! You can skip the prequels, or just imbibe your drug of choice and enjoy the special effects.
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With all the CGI tinkering that Lucas has done to them over the years, they've been completely ruined for me. My nostalgic feelings get washed away each time I see some idiotic and unnecessary part bolted onto the original film and all the movies do now is make me angry.
As for the new movies, well, the less I think about those, the more likely I am to not die of a massive aneurysm.
"Special" doesn't always mean "good".
Ah, so when @Madame Buttonfly talks about me to others, and says, "yeah. he's a little bit special" it's not necessarily a compliment?
Oh no, she totally means that in a positive way. Totally.