Our Cars (dream or actual)
Giles, i want an update on your car with photos!
I robokopped this today..
It's mean to rub it in, IJ.
But you're right, of course…
Finn, A radiator should be anythig between 100€ to 200€ depending which yearmodel or engine you have.
Buy the parts separately and find a place that'll do it for you. If it's only radiator that's leaking, shouldn't be too hard to DIY.
yeah I've found a garage where the radiator is 197€ and all work is done for 325€ (like said before)…since the new radiator needs to get vented and I really don't know if I should do this at home, I think I'm going with that garage! just need to figure out if I can cop a (cheaper) radiator myself so they can put it in for me!...will report back how thins end!...