So this box was by the door when I got home. TNT is it safe to open? Let alone be brought inside? One would think growing up watching Looney Tunes it would teach a kid a thing or two about TNT, but like the psychopath I am I shivved it open to find a splendid surprise
Love the patch!!!
Love the fit even more!!!!
@Matt you enabling son of a gun, thank you for bringing these to my attention. They fit great straight out of the tnt box and the only alteration would be for hemming. How much you getting in commission
Gotta say, for 21oz this denim is beastly! I was breaking a sweat buttoning them and while rolling up them fat cuffs wondering wtf are these?! - in a shocking, but good way of course. These don’t feel anything remotely like the standard 21oz. It actually felt like wrestling a new pair of XHS. This denim is glorious and quite impressive. Super happy to own a pair
Now on to read this thread to get the deets on this denim…
Wow, what an epic pair of jeans !
I absolutely love the red arcs
Perfect fit like made for you -
@Kasi nice! Were there 2 versions of this collab? Just realized the ones I got were the raw version and has a different patch. Certainly explains the how rough and crispy these are for 21oz. Will need to switch threads.
They only came out in Raw
Mine are exactly the same as your..
I think they only run it’s once -
@RoxRocks86 Nice score, looks awesome! Are you going to soak em?
Damn rox! I want half price iron hearts!
@Daniel San thank you! Love the red arcs too. It’s the detail that justified the splurge!
@Paul9221 thanks man! Glad the fit worked out in the end. & yeeeaaaahhh red arcs are next level awesomeness! They go great with the red W.
@Kasi appreciate the info & link to the thread. Awesome that you have one in your collection. Do you have every Pronto x IH collab???
@peregrine thank you! I’ll eventually soak them and definitely post up measurements. It’ll be interesting to see how much they shrink don’t think I saw pre & post wash measurements posted anywhere.
@Denimminer haha don’t we all!!!
I cant believe we made 2 versions…..
Well that answers everything.