I just did a search for MotoGP and didn't get a single hit.
Undeterred, I'm going to assume someone on here watches motorcycle racing.
Fast bikes and a slow talkin' Brad:
if the bike ran when it was left sitting in the garage, DO NOT change carb settings. There are no little elves that go and
tinker those.Modern day gas is piss. It can and will go bad in 3 months or so and leaves powder like stuff in carb bowl. That'll clogg tiny passages in the carb and it won't operate properly.
Take the carb off, take the bowl off, blow all passages and jets with compressed air and preferrably wash it in an ultrasound washer. assemble the carb and you should be fine.
Basically motor(cycle) needs 3 things to run: gas, air, spark. If all 3 are present, motor should fire up.
Todays piss for gas also destroys rubber parts fast, especially if they have been exposed to gas and the dried. Check gashoses, they may look OK but are deteriorating inside, also see that manifiold rubber is in good shhape and there is no intake leak (too much air -> no go or lean condition, poor start)
Great info @injunjack
I'd had a feeling the carb might be clogged. I just won't catch for itself which suggests to be that you're right about the jets being clogged. It's Giles's bike though and i don't want to mess it up. i'll wait till he's back and we'll mess it up together. Or get a pro in… oh the shame!
as injunjack said a bike only needs three things gas air and spark .
start with fuel ,is it coming out of the tank ,take the fuel pipe off the tank end and turn the fuel on ,if it comes out move to the carb end and repeat .
if it is coming out to the carb check the float bowl ,and the the jets .there are normally three main , assuming you have a spark ,to check take the plug out attach the ht lead and rest the plug on the head and kick .you should see a healthy blue spark .
sorry to sound like i am telling you how to suck eggs but it is fairly simple ,other than this it may be your wiring .
in which case contact ferret at ferret wiring .
hope you get it sorted -
allso which part of the country are you in ?
is it running yet giles ?
if i get a chance i will pop down ,no clothing offer needed i would do it as a favour for you
just need to know what bike and what engine sr 500 or xt 500 , what year , .
just asking ? do you have a spark ?i take it it is not the std wiring .
i am going for the cheese board now ,just let me know on points one and two .
or is it a gn 250 model any info appreciated ….....
just listening to the " arctic monkeys " on volume 11 ...lets rock