A very cool gorge between Mendoza and Malargue
Road traffic
Very old Araucaria tree, closely related to the Californian redwoods.
Hot tubing (again) in a repurposed wine vat.
After Argentina’s arid landscape and dry, chilly weather; Chile has cold, drizzly, overcast conditions and a super green, lush environment.
Downtown Puerto Varas in full IH outfit:
Guzzi began lightly leaking oil at the final drive joint. Water had made it’s way in. Drained, flushed and refilled. Not sure WHY it happened. Will need to keep a close watch on it for the remainder of the trip. -
I sold the KTM. But all the others are still in my garage.
I’m back with a new batch of pics from the last few days. These next ones are from our last days in Chile. Did a 220 km loop in the Puerto Varas/Puerto Montt area. That included a 30 minute ferry ride.
This ferry ride got us to the kick off point of the well-known (amongst motorcyclists) Ruta Austral.
This area is awash with volcanoes, the one in the background is Yates.
We had two buddies squirming due to stomach bugs…we assume it was bad seafood. They were both better the next day.
Lake Tagua Tagua
Volcan Chabuco in the background of the old church.
Hope you like volcanoes…this one is Osorno. Probably close to a perfect cone I’d say. And that is lake Llanquihue, a HUGE lake.And we leave Chile, heading back into Argentina.
@motojobobo fantastic pictures. Thanks for taking us along on your journey
@motojobobo Amazing scenery!
This is Paso Internacional Cardenal Samore, at 1350 mts, the customs/migration check point.
I froze all day…not sure why. Temp was always in the 5 to 12 deg C range and I was dressed as warmly as ever. I’m guessing it must have been some stomach or flu bug I could’ve been battling. Weird, next day I was fine.
Typical forest type around here. On our way from Villa La Angostura to San Martin de los Andes. Someone is fond of long names around here…
Yep, here are my IH by Vibers hikers which I bought off @mclaincausey quite a few years ago. I love them! They are ALWAYS the spare footwear (aside from my bike boots) which come along an all my bike trips.
Snow began to show up again as we neared a ski resort, Chapelco.
Two guys from our group skied that day. The rest chugged hot chocolates.
This is rio Hermoso, apparently a fishing hotspot. We saw many groups fishing as we drove on the dirt road along the river.
We came across this road sign. It had snowed 9 days ago and the road people hadn’t had a chance to do maintenance nor inspect the road. Nobody policed odedience to the sign so we went ahead.
Beautiful scenery lay ahead. We were headed toward a spot called Paso Cordova, the highest point on that road at 1380 mts. An old cattle herding route.
Only snag on the route showed up 200 mts after Paso Cordova. About 20 mts of snowdrift. Lucky it wasn’t more, but we made across with a bit of leg work.
Things got greener as we went down the other side of the pass.
Today, Sunday, I decided to take it easy, enjoy the view and don all my IH gear. -
If this motorcycle trip report fits better elsewhere, please let me know, and I’ll move it. Thanks.
2016 Harley Davidson Springer Classic
@motojobobo As always, an epic adventure with amazing pictures ~ thanks again for sharing!
@psticks Beautiful bike! I had a 2002 FLSTS - Heritage Springer and wish I never sold it. Ride it in good health.
Had to do it- frisco tank. Thanks to the shallow tunnel I get more gas without a bigger tank. The fit of this is much better thank a peanut with a lift. Lowbrow Customs ftw
@WhiskeySandwich Plans for paint? I’ve seen a few where it’s left in the grey, favourite stickers added, and a coat or three of clear over everything…
@goosehd I like rocking raw metal for a while while a paint scheme comes to me. In the meantime I just smoothed it out with a flap disc and a wire brush on the drill. To avoid rust I generously wipe it down with wd40 and some chain wax.
@Jett129 Hi J, you’re absolutely right, how could I get the year wrong!? Doh! It’s a 2006 🫣
Seaside Heights, NJ
Yesterday's rides.
hey guys any experience with BMW GS/RS or similar? I have a 150CC Vespa which is great for Miami but looking to upgrade horsepower and offroadability soon...any recs welcome
tiger sport 1050 is decent. mate of mine had one. but for more off roadish you might need to look at the tiger 1200s