You may like this too Giles:
Just got "Time Out, Country Walks, Vol 1 - 52 Walks Near London". The walk that Sugar Mountain did at the weekend is in it, so needed it. Thanks SM….
Great stuff! The directions can be overly detailed and sometimes tricky to follow but most of the routes I've done are wonderful so it's well worth it.
The 14.3 miler took me and my brother about 5 and a half hours to do with a short pub break included. Once you're on the South Downs Way, you can motor along at a decent clip should you wish (we walk fairly quickly by most peoples' standards I think).
We only started walking at 13.15 so an earlier start would give plenty of time in daylight.
Spring literature…
1 "The Throwback"
Sharpe, Tom; Paperback; £0.011 "Vintage Stuff"
Sharpe, Tom; Paperback; £0.011 "The Midden"
Sharpe, Tom; Hardcover; £0.011 "The Wire Re-up: The Guardian guide to the greatest TV show ever made"
Steve Busfield; Paperback; £0.011 "Blott On The Landscape"
Sharpe, Tom; Paperback; £0.01 -
Are those the Daughter/Mistress/Servant of the Empire ones?
Man, I loved all of those Riftwar books when I was a kid.
Nice… Hadn't noticed this thread before. Currently studying Shakespeare and just finished reading _Much Ado About Nothing_and also picked up Stephen Hawking's The Grand Design today after a discussion regarding wave particle duality that blew my mind.
I am currently reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace and expect to be reading the book for some time (it's a biggie). So good though - incomparable really to any other writer I know.
Are those the Daughter/Mistress/Servant of the Empire ones?
Man, I loved all of those Riftwar books when I was a kid.
They are. I'm enjoying the political rigidity and subtly of the Tsurani, and in general the series' focus on character development.
Those six are great, but I'd proceed with caution after that. I read a few more, then gave up. The original trilogy remains one of my all time favourites though, although in fairness I haven't read them for a VERY long time!
Yep, I'd say that nails it. My take on Feist's work, too. Magician is a sentimental favorite of mine- Mom bought it as a Christmas present for Dad when it was first published, so I read it several times when I was growing up.
Thinking of buying… Would this officially make me a nerd though?..
Yes. Yes it would.
Not as much of a nerd as if you bought them in hardback, like I did, but still…
I'm a professional nerd, so I say go for it. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us…
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Absolutely. It's fun over here on the nerd side…
It would indeed Seul. I picked all of them up last summer. Just to reiterate, join us….
I am currently reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace and expect to be reading the book for some time (it's a biggie). So good though - incomparable really to any other writer I know.
I'm like half way through this right now. Great read…