That's Jokes
A guy comes home with a Robot. His wife says what’s up with the Robot? He says this Robot is a Lie Detector. With that his son walks in and he says It’s late where have you Been? He says I was at the library,and BAM the Robot smacks him. He says Okay I was at a friends house studying and BAM the robot clocks him again,and he says Okay we were watching Porn. The wife chuckles and says well he’s your son,and BAM the robot smacks her.
@Danimal506 Saw your post where you mentioned doing Stand Up. I like @Mizmazzle am a huge comedy fan/student of comedy. I tell jokes,that I didn’t write,all the time. I’m totally in awe of anyone who can get up and do 5,10 minutes let alone an hour. Curious if you were ever into or even heard of a comedian by the name of Mitch Hedberg? I wasn’t into him when he was alive but after hearing quite a few contemporary comedians talk about him I had to find out about him. Do you have any influences or current favorites. My #1 these days would have to be Anthony Jeselnick. Like John Mullaney a lot as well.
@Jett129 Hedberg is a legend and a true one of a kind. I remember watching him perform on TV when I was a kid and thinking he was the funniest thing ever. His joke about pinching the mike cable and then letting it go so a bunch of jokes would come out at once always had me dying.
Or his apartment being infested with pandas being the cutest infestation ever! haha
@Jett129 That’s awesome to hear! Have you ever tried or thought about trying an open mic?
Yea I know Mitch Hedberg, he was very popular when I was in school. I graduated high school in 2008, Mitch Hedberg would be on Comedy Central all the time. Every time someone hands me a flyer I hear his voice saying “here, you throw this away”
“An escalator can never be broken. It can only become stairs.”
As far as contemporary comedians, I think Bill Burr is one of the best right now. He really pushes himself in every special to try something different than he’s done before. And his Monday Morning Podcast has been around forever and always makes me laugh, even when I don’t agree with what he is saying.
I was chatting with @Mizmazzle about Shane Gillis and Mark Normand, two of the funniest younger comics out there today. I was at the recording of Shane Gillis’ Live in Austin special which has over 20 million views. I’ve watched that special a dozen times on YouTube. I can watch it on repeat like one of my favorite movies. Mark Normand, Dan Soder and Shane Gillis are never miss comedians and podcast guests.
The only Patreon I pay for is Tuesdays with Stories with Mark Normand and Joe List. They crack me up so much!
As far as influences I have to mention Dean Delray. He’s the one who got me into Iron Heart, Good Art, Ship John, boots, denim, the lot. And he was very influential on me when I was doing comedy. He’s always working and pushing himself to grow as an artist. Plus he’s a wacky guy! I’ve seen him perform like fifty times at various locations. He’s given me free tickets to shows and has always been super cool to me when he sees me. I also really enjoy his podcasts Let There Be Talk as well as The Grail.
@Danimal506 it’s funny you mention Tuesdays with Stories. When you asked me if I have any podcasts I listen to…that’s the one I consistently listen to. Love their banter. I’m not huge into comedian’s podcasts for some reason. I do like them. But Tuesdays with Stories does it for me. And Conan Needs a Friend. But that’s more like his Late Night show interview format. Conan is the man!!
@Danimal506 Great Post! That’s one of my all time favorite Mitch Hedberg quotes. Love Bill Burr,especially when he was a regular on Conan as well as Norm Mcdonald. Have thought about doing an open mike,but don’t know how it would go over just telling jokes. I think Dean Delray is great and I anxiously await his special that I think Bill Burr had a hand in producing. I’m currently out walking,will respond to the rest of this later.
Couple mentions of Conan here (and he definitely knew how to get the best out of Burr) did anyone catch his “hot ones” from a couple months ago?
@flannel-slut Didn’t even know that Conan had done Hot Ones. Will definitely watch it tonight. I had always heard that comedians liked being on Conan because he didn’t get on their way. Another comedian who did really well on his show was Niki Glasser.
@flannel-slut @Mizmazzle Conan is so good! My wife and I had the pleasure of going to a taping of his show when he was filming in Los Angeles. Such a fun experience! The guests were Ron Funches (another hilarious comedian) and Jennifer Lawrence. And a comedian making their late night stand-up debut, can’t remember who though.
@Jett129 Norm is never ending funny! I got to see him perform at a comedy club in San Diego (American Comedy Company) and he couldn’t have been nicer to me after the show! I told him I was an open mic comic and he didn’t want to stop talking to me, but the security had to keep the line moving.
I have an autograph book with a ton of cool names in it. The two I have yet to get are Bill Burr and Joe Rogan, despite seeing them multiple times and being in close quarters. Just the timing was never there. Norm Macdonald is in the book though! I’ll post a couple pics when I get a chance to
@Danimal506 I’ve never seen the Shane Gillis special but will watch it asap. I really really liked him in the show Tires. Not that familiar with Mark Normand but will definitely be checking him out. I like Sam Morril and his opener Gary Vider. The only comedian I’ve ever met on the street was Gilbert Gottfried,and I told him how much I liked him and that the The Aristocrats joke at the Hugh Heffner roast was one of my all time favorite comedy moments. He was super nice and friendly and didn’t talk in that voice.
@flannel-slut That Hot Ones episode is top tier Conan. Love how he’s just shoving eaten hot wings I. His pockets hahah.
@Danimal506 wicked cool man. And can’t believe you were at Gillis’ YouTube recording! Did you all go to the night club next door after???
@flannel-slut Hahah nah. I believe we went to a food truck after.
Here is a picture of me on stage at the Laugh Factory in Chicago in 2019 I believe . Featuring my Wesco boots
@Danimal506 This is such incredibly great stuff. Dude you’re my hero!!!
@Jett129 Where were you three years ago when I was still doing comedy?! Haha just kidding. Thanks man. Comedy was a lot of fun and I truly miss doing it. I’ll get back to it as a hobby at some point.
@Danimal506 Much to my family’s chagrin I will from time to time I tell a stranger a joke,and when you make someone laugh,even if it’s just a chuckle for a second, you brighten their day.