Iron Heart Belts
IHB-02, around 4 months
Hi Beatle,
Beautiful belt, and great pictures! After seeing them I ordered a tan IHB-02 for my newly purchased DC4001, should be a great combo. Might I ask if you treated tour belt in any way (wax or oil or so), or if the pictures show the belt after 4 months of plain ageing?
Dunno if this has been mentioned but does IH ever plan on doing a run of dual prong belts? I prefer that look over the single prong…
true 34 ? XL
Hankering after one of these myself but don't understand the sizing! I take a 34 in the 634S-B so what size would I need? I would have thought an L but Beatle and Lando suggest an XL?! Looking at the sizing info i'd have thought an L would have been perfect…smack bang between the 32 and 36 waist...flush in the middle hole... Please help!
Err on the larger side. G, has mentioned this, but any belt that used Chicago screws, like these here IH's, is easily made smaller by any halfway decent leather worker. Just cut some leather off,add a hole or four and reattached the fold. Just make sure you measure twice and cut once…
Err on the larger side. G, has mentioned this, but any belt that used Chicago screws, like these here IH's, is easily made smaller by any halfway decent leather worker. Just cut some leather off,add a hole or four and reattached the fold. Just make sure you measure twice and cut once…
Call me awkward but I don't really want to have to go to all that trouble for an already expensive belt. No idea where i'd find a leather worker round these parts let alone a decent one?! I'm not an unusual size and would have thought I could have found an 'off the peg' belt easily enough. Common fellas…what size for a W34 634S-B wearer?!
So you're pretty close to the tightest hole? Maybe an L would be cool after all then. I don't want to be on the tightest hole of a large belt. I'm losing weight at the moment and don't want to have to hunt for a leather worker over here to adjust a belt that's too big…not exactly blown away by ANY of the craftsmen/plumbers/dry cleaners etc etc i've had contact with as yet?! Hmmm...this is more complicated than i'd imagined