IHSH-101 - Purple Buffalo Check Western - Back to Basics Edition
And what a great decision it was I must say :-).
Agreed! Shame it's been too hot to wear it recently though. Roll on Autumn….
Haraki is not having any for Japan. Re: production numbers, it was always going to be a western. And I decided to have x amount of fabric made. Once I got the numbers in for the westerns, I had spare fabric. I decided to do a work shirt and not more westerns….
Wow, G. That's a sizable financial undertaking, thanks for making this happens.
Man I can't wait for this and the work shirt to drop!
Me either dude. Wearing this to help ease the wait. Not overly purple, but it helps lol
Me either dude.
This shirt will look great with your cargo shorts and boots. Get some matching purple socks and maybe a purple hat. Perfection man.
Hahaha. Purp and socks…check!
Am i noticing some excitement in this thread?
Am i noticing some excitement in this thread?
Secretly I'm wanting the work shirt but I don't want to attract any attention to that thread….shhhhh...
And then, all hell is going to break loose once they get to IHUK!
Great news
We like hell breaking loose. Especially when we have @dylantbmayes to do all the work whilst @Madame Buttonfly , @Winchy and @Alex pop down to the pub for a pint or too….
We like hell breaking loose. Especially when we have @dylantbmayes to do all the work whilst @Madame Buttonfly , @Winchy and @Alex pop down to the pub for a pint or too….
There is plenty of alcohol for me to consumer at the office whilst you are all at the pub…
Oh, wait, @dylantbmayes is an Aussie, so he'll be happy…
This seemed to be the general consensus at Fish 'n' Chips.
Its Australian for piss
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i refer to it as "cockfosters".