Days in the life of Snowy (aka Snowy World Tour)
Hi All,
Not a World Tour in the traditional sense, however, considering I'm working on improving my photography I am going to be hitting the streets at least 2-3x a month every month, hopefully more if/when I can, I thought I'd create my own thread to share the journey of a world tour of my life through photos. Surely it'll reflect my surroundings as much as my emotional state, and I have the intent of pushing my comfort zone as a photographer to get closer to the style of street-shot I'm keen to take.
Great shots Snowy. I particularly like the door pic. Old doors seem magical in photos.
2nded mr. summ3r!…
btw. wade, all shots made with the canon + 24-70mm, no!?thinking of grabbing that lens or sell the dslr and get the Ricoh GRV or the likes... @derivative666 and @ChuckDenim swear by them!
@finn666 if this tells you anything about the Ricoh, Jesse Lirola is picking one up and I know you like his work.
@Finn666 actually, no. The shots in here so far have been take with a Leica M9-P w/ Leica 35mm f/2 glass. The DSLR with the beast of a len the 24-70mm is, is too heavy to shoot out on the streets with all day. Added the SLR's size is quite confronting to some people. What I'm hoping to get more shots of is candid urban/street activity. Before going down the Leica path, I stuck a prime lens back on my SLR, but found it still fell short for what I was after, so Leica it became..
Well, was back out on the streets again, certainly a little more cocky than I should have been. Crawl Walk Run. For at least an hour I was shooting 100% manual, other than ISO. Turns out it was too bright for even the minimum ISO, so for the 2 shots where I actually asked people for their photo (more for focus practice), both were totally washed out. Back to auto shutter speed for me for the moment. I am slowly getting the zone-metering down, 2 or 3 of the shots below were shot without any focus, based on the idea that I'd locked the distance/zone in.
A lot further to go, still getting there. Need to keep my head in the game and keep with the 35mm, getting distracted with the idea that I'd get more candid shots if I moved to 75 or 90mm. On the other side I'd lose most other forms of shots I take, so need to keep on the 35.
cool, didn't know you had the Leica buddy @Snowy great shit, no matter what! the actual way to look at situations is what it's all about…no matter what camera/lens! looks like you're having that as well as the right gear to capture it!
great work so far buddy!@finn666 if this tells you anything about the Ricoh, Jesse Lirola is picking one up and I know you like his work.
well that def. tells me enough mate @derivative666, thanks!
Great eye for detail Wade, very nice.
Sushi Train for lunch and a bit more location scouting. Taking photos at an airport this close to a plane being shot down was probably not my finest moment. Had 3 security guards keeping watch on me, the 3rd of which moved me along as I was packing up. Was on public/legal grounds, but doesn't mean the rent-a-cops won't go me. Over the years I've been moved along from many many places for taking photos. From national monuments, to oil refinery car parks.
Sushi Train for lunch and a bit more location scouting. Taking photos at an airport this close to a plane being shot down was probably not my finest moment. Had 3 security guards keeping watch on me, the 3rd of which moved me along as I was packing up. Was on public/legal grounds, but doesn't mean the rent-a-cops won't go me. Over the years I've been moved along from many many places for taking photos. From national monuments, to oil refinery car parks.
well thanks to all these incidents happening nowadays, photographers doing real photography for a hobby and such are being treated as some sort of terrorist now. people tend to get all suspicious thinking that we are scouting our next target.