Days in the life of Snowy (aka Snowy World Tour)
…and we're back in old Sydney Town. Missing Japan muchly. Already. I do have a few shots from our last morning in Tokyo/Shinjuku. Not overly interesting, just walking around the back streets near the hotel area. So real people's houses/area etc. In coming days (once I figure out how I want to do it), I'll post some of the 'stuff' I purchased. I will be posting some cropped versions on instagram of some items...........
- topic:timeago-later,16 days
So eerie!
Looks awesome with all your knick-knacks, snowy!
That is fuckin awesome where did you get it done and how can I get one
@derivative666 it was done in Tokyo. You have to go there (or a place like it) to get the 3d-scan completed, takes about 2 weeks or so to stitch/edit and print. There's a few places doing it throughout the world. The place I went to in Tokyo was a couple who were doing it out of their basement area using 70 SLR's for the composite image.
@snowy that's amazing…love it absolutely awesome as well as a little weird seeing such an exact mini replica
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i want to have a little @snowy for myself!
@trail and arrow we can get you one printed, or if you have access to a printer I can send you me digitally. Can eve get you a bigger or smaller one if you wanted :o
@trail and arrow I can send you me digitally.
this sounds wrong on all levels!!
@Snowy anyway, the 3d model looks better than expected. though i wasn't really expecting it to be that small. when you took those photos and mentioned it when you were in japan. i thought it was roughly about the size of that 3d standing model outside the store.
@louisbosco you can get them up to 1:1 size. Money and storage space are the only factors. I wanted portable and bizarre object size.
haha. i'm pretty sure you lost the game….
Excellent! … The bowing conductor (I miss this here
That and the 'ladies and gentlemen…welcome, to the Shinkansen'. The way that introduction is said is just so exciting (to me). You're already flying by around 300km/hr, you've heard 2-3 minutes of Japanese about locations and things about carts, and then, the lovely welcome. Almost better than flying