IHF Game 2 - Spy Vs Spy
Just following my majestic mission…! (Disney movie)
Deflection, nice
Good god. Needless to say, my suspicion was wrong.
Just following my majestic mission…! (Disney movie)
Hey majestic is my game yo! When it finally rolls around my turn, I'll of used the word majestic so many times none of you will notice
wow. who would've figured sabergirl as the spy. didn't even noticed them when reading all her posts. so has the next one started?
^ lol. Thats because words like Brave, Endurance, Up, Inside out and Tangled are commonly used words. Thus making them undetectable to anyone but her and mega.
Haha. Glad you could JUMP IN and give us the STRAIGHT STORY snow. THE KID did an EPIC job, just not so sure THE GAME PLAN was on the up and UP. Out in THE WILD i would take a girl with an IRON WILL to get me to sit down and watch CINDERELLA dude. That kinda shit makes me immediately READY TO RUN.
Fox and the hound tho…...im in
The new spy has begun their mission
Personally, I think sabergirl did a hell of a job. I mean, she was supposed to try not to get caught, right? Just means the rest of us have to be more careful in our examination.
I'm thinking the spy will have to draw attention to themself by posting more often than usual. Of course, if somebody like Seul is the spy, that theory is screwed.
this and the other "game" thread should be stuck in the members area with the World Tours. I'm too ol' to go looking for this thread to look up the people i have to pay attention to.
jeez mods, get your sh!t 2gether, hahahahaha
We actually talked about that and decided to put it in General Chat. If people think that it belongs somewhere else, we can move it.
just me. i'm lazy & mad . . . . but am pleased you referenced muwah as a person.
i really think these turds of threads should be shined up & put on display for the forum to interact in & admire. although the entire experience should be limited to forum members. i guess kind of like the World Tours & the thread for the new drops. . . .
For those of you who are curious, the Disney movies I used were: cinderella, the straight story, endurance, ready to run, jump in, the kid, inside out, the wild, tangled, epic, the game plan, iron will, up, and brave
Wow, impressive. I was way off.
I might be seeing a pattern, but I will need another day or two to confirm. If it pans out, someone's bacon is cooked.