the superblacks are rather nice.
So is there pics of both indigo next to superblack???? Link plz!
- 13 days later
- 11 days later
- 7 days later
what do you think of these guys?
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The VIberg group buy on sufu is about to go through, be prepared for some amazing custom japanese horse hide vibergs coming to a forum near you
furthermore, Viberg & Take5 are talking again after their first collaboration in Japan in the past few days - maybe we will see Viberg becoming distributed through Take 5 in Asia (outside of Japan) and maybe we will see Viberg to use more the the TFH HH outside of Japan in the future…
seems to be a few Viberg collaborations coming down soon . . . .
Kiya also mentioned that he would be carrying them towards the end of the year
could be interesting to see what that does to the actual prices at SE and Take5 compared to those at the currently established mailorder companies like Ultrasoundboots…
Kiya also mentioned that he would be carrying them towards the end of the year
You mean he will be carrying the SExIHxLSxAlden…