yeah… im really kind of sol unless i can figure out a way to try out some different lasts becasue the last two builds were terrible fits... I just wont make the mistake again but their overall attention to detail is great. Their boots look fantastic... just need to figure out sizing
Figured light wear indoors will make 'm settle as well, right?.. Keep in mind, it's only one little place on my right heel that aches… But it's getting better
They're the best fitting boots I have... And they're hard as fuck... The ass on these things, it could kick through Fort Knox's vaults...
Officially looking at these…
I have two really great reverse outs
A voice in my head said "These would even be better with a rough out leather"… This might be a slippery slope to fullblown Belgian Madness in your case, G... If you find yourself thinking about beer and tits every second G, contact a doctor. Not that it helps.
laughs isnanely and mumbles about tits and beer