Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
They are awesome retailers. I've been buying from them for years. Super fast, super nice, super service. Positively Iron Heart-esque…
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Love this beauty
Because it was a hassle to work with… Too small for my hands, the clip wreaked havoc on my pocket, and I just missed my Sebenza - plain and simple…
Your dainty little hands? What is the knife, matchstick sized?
My fav is mammoth bark inlay w/ raindrop demascus
Just bought a new Ti-Lock through Bladeforums… 400 $ shipped (to a US addy)... All paid with Paypal funds... Pretty damn stoked...
Excited for you, it will be your favorite knife once you get used to opening and closing it.
Just reported this to eBay as fake… Tired of Chinese replicas of this beauty... Feel free to report it as well...
Hey guys…serious question...
Is the Sebenza 21 worth it? I'm thinking about getting a small...but is it WORTH IT? Please help!
If I do buy it, it'll be the last knife I'll probably ever purchase...
IMO Chris Reeve makes the best production knives made. So in one word YES! It's an amazing knife!