Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Eli, do you have a pic of all your knives
In a related story , I just picked up the spyderco techno
Congrats! The Techno is definitely amazing! I actually gifted one of mine (one with a voided warranty). I love that little guy. It actually beat out my Sebenza for EDC…for now at least.
Does anyone know what knife nietenhosen is carrying?
That'd be my guess. They are great little knives and I love how they lock closed.
Actually I think it's this one..
I won't compare the Delica to the Seb and Ti… Just not fair... That being said, you can get a Delica 4 for around 60 $... Can you buy a better knife for that money?.. A better looking knife?.. Made in Japan?.. I don't think so...
Seb vs. Ti-Lock... The Seb is all about simplicity, whilst the Ti-Lock is all about implementing and simplifying a fancy system...
Now let me stop talking out of my arse and work with it for a day... I'll get back to ya
Completed trifecta gen 4 XM-18 3.5" spanto flipper
The one he has been going on about for weeks…...
And have been looking at for years… Only to find out that the lock prevents the knife from being clipped onto the pocket of your jeans without doing damage... Can keep it in my shirt pocket or clip it to back pocket without a problem though... Should also work wonders on looser pants (aka shorts in summer, 816,...).
Wait Ti-lock doesn't fit in your front pocket????
The grant hawk clip should make it easier and wont year your pockets