Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Eli, do you have a pic of all your knives
In a related story , I just picked up the spyderco techno
Congrats! The Techno is definitely amazing! I actually gifted one of mine (one with a voided warranty). I love that little guy. It actually beat out my Sebenza for EDC…for now at least.
Does anyone know what knife nietenhosen is carrying?
haha i actually asked him about this on the same day. told me it was a lone wolf paul presto knife…the one with the pearl handle. wish i could find one or a similar one, but seems they are hard to find these days. sweet knife....wish i could find one.
Just want to know if anybody has experiences with the spyderco military Shows here?
Andi -
Just want to know if anybody has experiences with the spyderco military Shows here?
AndiI have the Paramilitary 2, which has very similar ergonomics but is smaller with a different lock. It's a great knife
Just yesterday pickd up a new small Sebbie!!
Doug is a knife whiz!!! Fixed my hinderer XM-18 prob in less than 30 min. and ships out next morning. Thank you again sir!!!
Ti-Lock is still my top two favorite of all my knives. I'm so glad you are happy with it. Use it in good health.
I've not actually been able to use it since I have a wound on my thumb… Opening (two handed) is no problem, but I can't close it without opening the wound (or the one on my index finger)... So yeah... Been using my Delica today... Hopefully the wound will have closed by next Tuesday...
Your gonna build up a big callous on your thumb from opening and closing her. That Ti-lock is an insidious bitch lol
My old-school small decorated Seb, bloodwood Mnandi, and my new small Seb 21. Hopefully in a couple thousand cyclings it will feel the same as my old one. -
not a knife dude in the least, but those images made me look through the thread.
guess the only blood seul & i can agree on is bloodwood. that sh!t cray