2015 Spring/Summer Pipeline
looks perfect on you, twin!
Hells to the yeah..!
Is that white or a light natural tan?
Awesome combo! I've always been a fan of your photos, btw.
Some questions:
Is that an honor scarf? What color?
How tall are you?
thanks @NorthernVictory
i'm 1,93m and the "honor scaft" is a THE HILL-SIDE Selvedge Chambray Bandana, Indigo
cheers -
Holy shit, always thought you were shorter than that haha.
You should see his boots…
Adding additional 2" height to a 1.93 body.
And I am 1.64cm tall (I prefer the term "Vegeta height" instead of "short" ;))
Really like the honor scarf/bandana you got going. I think I can pull it off, I'll be getting my hands on a nice one soon.
Thanks for the inspiration brother.
Well, better to look like a dwarf than a twig (I think). ::)
careful with bandannas, you get easily addicted.