2015 Spring/Summer Pipeline
Well I had my heart set on waiting on the Storm Rider but then I see the piles of duck First Zips. Holy shit that looks good! Hope to see them soon.
I do not know sizing yet, but it is effectively the same Jacket as the IHJ-24, so it will be similar in size and spec…..It'll retail for USD380...
Complete the form if you want an email when they hit…It is the IHJ-29
Form is in! Next step is figuring out sizing. The shoulders are what throw me.
I love the look of this jacket, but it's a bit too similiar looking to my ihj-09. My girlfriends eye roll would be too much.
Ya no prob man. Jacket is definitely nice
Thanks pillowPANTS, that's probably right.
17 oz. might just be too heavy, but that's a very nice looking jacket…Have you handled the 17 oz IH Cotton duck before? Just asking as I feel it feels lighter than 17 oz denim. I feel like a heavy flannel is warmer than an (unlined) 17 oz jacket.