IH-526Jod - Overdyed Type III
Tat, one thing to note is the first generation of the OD type IIIs have shorter arms, so if you get an XL used, double check with the seller to see when it's made and get a measurement. Both my OD type IIIs are first gen and the XL has a 25 inch arm, the XXL has about 27'.
The later OD type IIIs one's all have longer arms in the larger sizes.
Good looking out! Thank you much, you potentially saved my second IH type III heart break
Give it hell daynym.
I had to crawl around under a house for a couple of weeks to do some rewiring and shoveling out a rusty iron pipe and it put a lot of wear on mine.
Yeah, just before the above pic. Did a machine wash for 20 minutes on a mild cycle and hung dry after a good rinse. I stood and watched it wash to make sure my new washer didn't spin it as I'm not yet familiar with the cycle. This was it's second wash. The first wash was a hand wash.
Any chance of a rerun of these with the 27" (xl) sleeve
Looks like a proper III fit to me
Any chance of a restock on these? Got rid of my SE X IH collab in hopes of purchasing this (didn't need the extra length) and it's now sold out in my size.
I think the fit is spot on and I dig the pics.