DWC - Denim World Championships 2015 - 2017
@Megatron1505 : so it is possible to sign up and see the forums of the DWC without having paid yet?!
Ok, so as I have my pair now I'll register. Thanks for the info, Gav.
Cool, don't worry if you can't log in straight away, I have to manually approve every order (to keep out the spam bots).
Do they make them again or did you score an old one? I'll wear my Warehouse 800.
They did them recently again..a year ago or so
Same denim (in case you know)? I thought that was a one-time run, but they might have done either a new run or found some deadstock fabric.
Do they make them again or did you score an old one? I'll wear my Warehouse 800.
Max Power Tate & Yoko had them last spring. Naked & Famous made 100 pairs of the 32oz jeans in indigo.
Also 100 pairs in Black. I just checked the T&Y webb site thay have still in black size 31-32 In indigo size 28-30-31 -
Yes they are
Cool, thanks, will be signing up later! Tempted to also register for the Last Man Standing as my MBB's are my favourite jeans and still have plenty of indigo yet to give up [emoji3]
That's what I did. My MBB's are in a sweet spot right now and there is no way I'm benching them
in the same boat with you @summ3rhays, but also feeling like I want to give the mbb's a break…maybe make them last longer, not that they are in any sort of retirement stage yet ;D.... but maybe start something new??
first world problems....
however, the denim tux comp sounds super rad. I'm definitely tempted. Same shirt and pants for 2 years. epic.sounds like fun!!
I am going to keep my MBB's going for as long possible too. Think they will need some repairs soon but after that they should be good for another year. Not sure about 2!
Me and my MBBs are entered. I don't think they'll last 4 years, but we'll see. I've got 25oz patches in the crotch, so that should at least hold…