2015 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
@jock1624 @Max Power @mahlon321 - all three of you have "smashed-it" in your most recent picture posts. mahlon321, i'm particularly loving the IH vest
Fuck this is making it hard to decide between the 18oz 634 and the ducks!
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I had no idea that MF had done a Trialmaster/ International style jacket. Looks great Mike.
Thanks Gavin!
mahlon321, i'm particularly loving the IH vest
ha, thanks @den1mhead I also love the vest.
more of the same from me
wesco -
all in black against the white snowy backdrop works a treat buddy. looking great @twin
Dang, I feel like a need an N1, a longer bodied denim jacket and more vests in my assortment after seeing all your guys' pics-
Trying to bring a little rock and roll to the office today:
The Flat Heads houndstooth
Cole HaanSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Real McCoy's
Redwing -
Thanks Twin and Denimhead . Decent poses from most of yous on here lately , most !
Edwin Selvedge Tytpe III Trucker
Full count
William LennonSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk