Iron Heart in the Press or on other Sites
All the hangers, racks, wall hangings, and anything else made of metal was actually designed and made next door to Self Edge San Francisco and then SHIPPED across the across the country to be installed in NY.
These guys actually have a hyperlink to when they refer to them being designed bu Diesel - Duh
These guys actually have a hyperlink to when they refer to them being designed bu Diesel - Duh
Hahahaha! I didn't even realize. I read it kind of fast and really didn't notice the Hyperlink. I have heard people on other forums make the same mistake/ claim. Research is key!
I particularly like this part of the blog:
"As these jeans are shrink-to-fit & shrinks to tag size we couldn't model them properly. This didn't turn out to be a problem as the jeans can stand up on their own!
IH is mentioned in this article about SENY…
The following is a translation from Haraki-San's Blog. I am assuming he is talking bout being in the New York Times… G, is this correct? Thoughts?
"Please check this out. I took a newspaper article of today's industry newspaper Senken name, I'd fashion a newspaper, I wrote that lol how Iron Heart
I was content to just write me a good feeling Mechiya, sorry, but I think ‥ Naa I lie if I could iron out the phone talking to various people got, got an apology call quickly If you or I do not mind it too much actually.Now, starting in Tokyo and Okayama are GO!"
So, here is the answer:
_"Oh, that is about an article that Iron Heart were featured on industorial newspaper called "Senken newspaper".
I was talking that the article was great, but they read Iron Heart different way. Japanese people pronounce "Iron" in two different way. One is "eye-an" that remind material like steel which I prefer Iron Heart to be called and the other is "eye-ron" that remind an Iron, like steam Iron. The writer who wrote that called me and apologize. I just said I doesn't really care about it. "_
Sidney Lo is wearing the SExIH07BK's in the picture of him in the article about his new book: "Taking Pictures of People Who Take Pictures of Themselves"
Not the Press, but here is a really good analysis of Japanese Denim.