The Evolution of Iron Heart
Um, ok.
That is, bar none, the most exaggerated fading I've ever seen on this forum.
They certainly have progressed more quickly and with more pronounced contrast than I would expect, but if SF says that it's all natural, then I won't call him a liar. Besides, if he's happy with them, then that's all that matters…
come on mate…you and me both know that this isn't the case with this pair!...I think we're playing the raw denim game just long enough (or even longer) to actually know that this can never ever happen to a pair of jeans - talking about IronHeart - in that "short" time...actually such fades will never happen...those stack fades are just ridiculous. while the rest of the denim around'em is looking totally new...common Chris, u know better than this
If Sal says that no sandpaper was used, I would like hear what was done to get that effect.
Man what went on while i was sleeping? U guys wanna come burn my house down for jeans….Christ relax. and who cares what I do i admit i fekked them up a bit by doing some of the exaggerated things i did (READ MY RAW DENIM POST) and some of my earlier post on here. I told u guys what i did to get my fades. U guys seriously surprised me. I knew it would get people who dont like me to come out of the wood works and say something all of a sudden to me. I mean whatever. I will see u guys in OCT i guess. U guys are grown men acting like we are in 4th grade and i got the koodies ( sal got the koodies sal got the koodies) Its a shame cause i liked it in here but now obviously i know some of u hate on me because why… i post a lot. If u guys like G and P so much u wouldnt do such things to their customers. A weak person would totally STOP buying IH because u guys tried to embarrass him so badly. If u guys wanna be such great lil IH troopers than maybe instead of burning houses down u should say HEY u shouldnt do that. But no I wont use names but certain people need to know I am a man and men act like men not WOMAN. I will use my favorite saying. GET OFF UR WHITE HIGH HORSE CAUSE WE ALL CAN SEE UP UR DRESS....MAN
Sal, chill man. You've had some ribbing, but what did you really expect? I don't think anyone has hated on you personally, just what you have done to your jeans. The people here love their IH gear, love the brand and all the people involved with brand, and feel very strongly about it and all the great products, so no doubt some folks will see what you have done as blasphemy.
It's not my thing to be honest Sal, I just think it looks staged, but I don't dislike you personally because of it, and I doubt anyone here does either. If you like it, great, if you don't, you won't do it again.
Context dude, they're just jeans, it's just a bit of ribbing, and this is only the internet. You have far more important shit going on right now than the state of your pants.
can we all calm down
Sal if you wanna act like a man stand the 2 minutes of entertaining and thats it… you can do whatever you want with your stuff, but if you gonna post, people have also the freedom to respond and say their opinion... and only because they do this in a "fun" way does not mean they wanna hurt you personal...
-- rocket iphone posting --
U are right Rocket i was speaking about just (some) of the comments…they were as if they were waiting for the day to say something to me thats all. I think i took the ripping pretty well if u ask me but of course i wont completely like it ...who would. I will turn my back on this and I hope some of u will to
Gotta love the Haraki jawns.
I wonder what belt (if any) Haraki-San wore with them before the IHB-03. Or have the belts been out for four years?
I wonder what belt (if any) Haraki-San wore with them before the IHB-03. Or have the belts been out for four years?
I am pretty sure he wears that IHB-03 all the time. Not positive but from what I can remember (both online and in person) I have only seen him wearing this one in Black.
In Lightning's The Denim Book, it has a profile of Haraki with a sub-section of his favourite belt. If memory serves, there is an IHB-01 featured.
In Lightning's The Denim Book, it has a profile of Haraki with a sub-section of his favourite belt. If memory serves, there is an IHB-01 featured.
Ah, nice. Thanks for sharing. I wish there was a thread for direct questions to Haraki-San in which his translator relayed the questions and then responded to us in English…
Iron Heart Jeans on Hall of Fades
Thanks for that…
So I went walking today in what turned out to be 25 degrees C.
I reached the point of no return regarding 666-VMCs and no intentional soaking. So 9 months, 2 weeks, 1 day and 22 hours. Pre shower pics:
Post dry pics hopefully Sat/Sun.
Man what went on while i was sleeping? U guys wanna come burn my house down for jeans….Christ relax. and who cares what I do i admit i fekked them up a bit by doing some of the exaggerated things i did (READ MY RAW DENIM POST) and some of my earlier post on here. I told u guys what i did to get my fades. U guys seriously surprised me. I knew it would get people who dont like me to come out of the wood works and say something all of a sudden to me. I mean whatever. I will see u guys in OCT i guess. U guys are grown men acting like we are in 4th grade and i got the koodies ( sal got the koodies sal got the koodies) Its a shame cause i liked it in here but now obviously i know some of u hate on me because why… i post a lot. If u guys like G and P so much u wouldnt do such things to their customers. A weak person would totally STOP buying IH because u guys tried to embarrass him so badly. If u guys wanna be such great lil IH troopers than maybe instead of burning houses down u should say HEY u shouldnt do that. But no I wont use names but certain people need to know I am a man and men act like men not WOMAN. I will use my favorite saying. GET OFF UR WHITE HIGH HORSE CAUSE WE ALL CAN SEE UP UR DRESS....MAN
i don´t think that anybody said "Sal looks fugly!" or some other shit…this was all about your (in my eyes!) ruined jeans and nothing less buddy...
so take the beating like a man "not WOMAN" and realize that you have turned a nice pair of 500$ jeans into some pre-distressed PRPS looking shit…simple as that!i don´t disrespect you as a person or human being (i´m not like that!), i just don´t like the look of your jeans, that´s all
and the "If u guys like G and P so much u wouldnt do such things to their customers." is straight up bullshit…has nothing to do with this at all...
so chill, accept the hammering (or not) and goes on and...
…this is only the internet. You have far more important shit going on right now than the state of your pants.
Backing Finn 110%.
Next time i'll do it different guys. Thanks for todays linching. LOL I do appreciate how much u guys apparently care what i do with my IH gear ..In other cases someone could say : " I can do whatever I want with my clothes" BUT with IH theres so much more to the denim like all the thousands of individual stories behind each persons love of IH. U cant forget all the people who would give an arm and leg to have a pair of 666xhs but cant afford them. I understand what i did is like me throwing out a burger in front of a starving family So that is why i can understand why there was such a HUGE response…
Take care,
lord have merci.
ok, so one last try to show you what (at least) my criticsm was all about, then i´m done with this i swear…@Dirty:
Next time i'll do it different guys.
like Mme B. use to say: wear, don´t compare, just WEAR!Thanks for todays linching. LOL I do appreciate how much u guys apparently care what i do with my IH gear
no linching just some sane criticsm and no I don´t care, but just don´t expect me saying "wow great evo!" or some stuff like that…u pay for it, so it´s your stuff and you can do whatever you want buddy. but don´t expect some nice words for such things like this, cool!?..In other cases someone could say : " I can do whatever I want with my clothes" BUT with IH theres so much more to the denim like all the thousands of individual stories behind each persons love of IH.
see above!U cant forget all the people who would give an arm and leg to have a pair of 666xhs but cant afford them. I understand what i did is like me throwing out a burger in front of a starving family So that is why i can understand why there was such a HUGE response…
that´s really not the point here buddy and that comparison of you fucking up a pair of expensive raw denim and a family starving for food isn´t really suitable at all and a bit crude imo.
raw denim (not only talking IH!) isn´t about how fast i can fade a pair of cheap/expensive jeans or other stuff…if you´re wearing a pair for a very long time you can always look back at some nice moments in life and tell what you´ve been through and all that. all your pair can tell is "damn, me and Sal had some fun sanding and sliding!"...that´s itTake care,
u too!Sal
and now back to normal y´all!