The Evolution of Iron Heart
Thank you!!!
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^^^^^ Wow those look awesome. Well loved IH for sure.
Good lord. Sometimes I wish my job required more manual labor just so my jeans could turn out like this. I could see @Filthy 21/23oz junkie 's pair of overalls ending up looking like those.
Yeah. Seeing that I'm ready to forfeit the DWC and go back to wearing mine again.
Good shit @rocket
My 805 overalls worn since mid- April. The 21 oz denim is so luxuriously soft and beautiful. It never ceases to amaze. The different hues of blues and whites are so awesome, and I love the iridescent sheen these have in sunlight. The hand softness is a 10/10.
I've put a solid 4 months into these since washing with my usual Filthy-Fels Naptha washing regimen. I think I've washed them 4 times so far. Im not going to take any full shots until I wear these a full year. I wanted to try for the DWC but I am completely addicted to these. I've not had a pair of bottoms that were ever so comfortable.
Those look great. I'm looking forward to the full pics. I agree with you 100%. Every time I put on my 634s I wonder why I wear anything else.
Thanks. I feel very fortunate to have found something I love so much because I feel the inclination to mentally critique ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I wear.
is that a 634s ? How old is that ?
1955S, first IH purchase
2 winter wears, no summer
3 machine washes + line dry -
Post-wash, pre-drying. IH-555-01
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Apologies, as the answer to this is probably lost within the 150+ pages of this thread, but is there a simple guide to how the various IH indigo denims fade, in terms of speed, colour, characteristics?
I'm interested in specifically the 21oz, 18oz and 14oz, as I have the 526J and 101J, but sense that the 21oz 526 is lighter coloured and fades quicker than the 18oz 101. I also have the 634S and 634S-B and am toying with the idea of getting the 14oz ones too.
I guess I'd also like to see how the 19oz and 17oz compare too.