The Evolution of Iron Heart
Excellent first post! And welcome, of course.
[broken pic link]
1 year on 301stimeline here ->
The belt is looking REAL good too !
TT -
Wow, evilcrayon. I'm in awe. You make me feel so ashamed !
I lost patience and unnecessarily soaked my IH 301S today – after two months of continual wear. They weren't even that dirty...I didn't need to go there. I hate myself now. Thanks a lot, evilcrayon !
I wouldn't worry about washing. I've had bad luck with new jeans. My flatheads took a spill off a scooter at 30mph within the first month and my ironhearts were no different. I was riding a beat up CL175 to my friend's house at 11PM and managed to hit a fallen tree in the middle of the road (there are no streetlights on this 5 mile stretch of road). Ended up bruising my knee but nothing more than a white spot on my jeans that is no longer visible.
And then my motorcycle threw a rod that following weekend and spewed dirty motorcycle oil all over my jeans.
Nice evo, beatle. I'm always curious when you post the progress (but you seem to live in the future ;)) Maybe that explains the great fades…
Teaser. Worn 58 times.