anyway, since i got the time please let me bomb this thread with some pics that i took with the SBG (damn, i already miss it)

i went to london with my beat up vans era (as the rest of my shoes are already packed in the luggage) and i need to tell you all that it's really painful to walk with a pair of damaged shoes. then, as i walked into urban outfitters i suddenly found this black native fitzsimmons, for just 10 pounds….would you believe it?long story short i switched to the plasticky boots (suprisingly light&comfy tho) and threw the vans away

christmas comes early?

anyway, my supervisor has offered me to continue my project for my Phd. Well, i must say that until now Phd is still not in my current plan (i'm still 24 y.o), but lets say that i'm still undecided ;). I somehow believe that the offer is because of SBG's magic, hahaha 
thank you for the WT opportunity, godspeed to all of the next participants.