IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
I bought my 666s very roomy in the waist to ensure that the in the thighs would be right. (read, comfortable). For me, @rocket is THE fit hero. Effortless.
Ain't gotta be tight to be right.
Thanks, Nizzel. I will never become a good denim version of Sherlock Holmes, as weight loss naturally is the other possible explanation of a 666 fitting so, shall we say, comfortably.
Indeed, although I think a have a different/unpopular idea of what is flattering, primarily because I'm an old fart. My sons were doing the skinnies for a while, but I have them converted now and in "properly fitted" 634s. (My mother had us boys in Sears Toughskins, with preventative, iron-on knee patches.)
Ain't gotta be tight to be right.
Flatslide.th this is one of the best fits on this forum of the IH-666s jeans.
Also great fades keep on rocking them -
Flatslide.th this is one of the best fits on this forum of the IH-666s jeans.
Also great fades keep on rocking themthank bro.
Wow, crazy stacks.
That is one beautiful pair of Devils you got there @JerUrsidae
Well done! -
Proud owner here. Unfortunately they're now on the small side for me since I started going to the gym.. thighs are giving me a bit of the "stuffed sausage" look. Love them so much I'll probably get them again a size or two larger. Just need to sell the current pair first..