IH-666Sod - Devil's Fit Overdyed - Super Slim Tapered
i believe they're still working on that denim. so no not this one
i believe they're still working on that denim. so no not this one
So with these being over-dyed, would they eventually start to show a blue contrast?
see max power's 634s-b for a good representation.
i believe they're still working on that denim. so no not this one
So with these being over-dyed, would they eventually start to show a blue contrast?
and what oil did you use finn?
and what oil did you use finn?
I've used a bit of Red Wing bootoil for the patch!
Recent fit pics, Finn?
Also, that belt is sick.
Will post some fitpics tomorrow I think if I have the time to!
Thanks for the kind of words mate! -
I really appreciate you putting these bar tack posts up Finn. I noticed earlier today that my jeans look exactly like your pre-fix-it shots. Am I in eminent danger? I hope not, as I'm traveling around for a few more days, and these are my only pants! I may well continue this discussion in the denim care thread when I get home and can address it. I have like zero experience with sewing and will need to do a bit of research, despite the fact that you make it look easy.
^no problemo mate,just sharing the info's with all the other guys which already have their 666's or which will be getting some!
And no,you're not in eminent danger lad!Iron Heart is built to last a lifetime so the only thing I did was to reinforce the crotchstitching cuz I want to pass these over to my future kids some dayIt's all good
Well sewing looks so easy cuz it actually is that easy!Just make sure to use some 100% polyester thread cuz this is one of the strongest threads imo…the one I'm using is so strong I need two horses to pull it apart!
So just keep on rocking your jeans and don't care too much...
….But they will stretch masses....
^This. Kucai, I sized mine TTS and they looked pretty much like yours upon arrival. Now they are really comfortable, having stretched out over 2" in the waist and 0.5" in the thigh. I think you will like that fit if you can stand the first two weeks or so.
On the other hand, the SUO fit is very, very nice looking, a point Beatle makes every other time she posts pictures this year. I have to admit I would have given serious consideration to it myself if a sz35 were available. I think that I would have kept my 34s anyway, I hate overstretched jeans, but I'm just saying that you have two good options.