Rafa, how are your winters? I'm curious as to how the Cristy sole holds up in snow and on ice. (I'm assuming not so great.)
some wouldn't call our winters even winters
but to me, german winters are always shit…a bit of snow, sometimes more sometimes less, a lot of rain and a lot of snow slush (which I fekking hate
tbh with ya...the cristy sole is pretty much the last thing I'd wear walking through a lot of snow, snow slush and on ice. pretty slippery imo and you hardly can find any grip...that's also a reason why I'm thinking about resolving my johnson boot with something more badass to get me through the fekked season of the year!...what you thinking about bro?
Shoreman - I rocked the Maine Guide with that sole all last winter and it was fine. You get more snow and corresponding slush than we do, and I'd be worried about water coming through. I have a waxed leather pair of Maine Hunts that I got in Montreal the year before and they have also been okay.
When I lived in Montreal I had Merrels.
Yep. My Merrels were god awful to look at it, but goretex and rated to -1000 or something. Too hot to wear on the Metro to work, but perfect for the walk home.
I did wear Daytons when I could, but it was too cold, even with sheep skin insoles.
Always liked the look of those Ghille Moc's!
Cannot decide which pair I want most?
Cannot decide which pair I want most?
go for the first one mate…way more versatile imo!
I know the sale price on those are good, but sure you want either?
Why not?
They're fine, but would you have wanted them at full price?
I've got 4 pairs of Yuketen boots and I kind of wish I'd have left the sale boots on the rack.
Just my opinion of course, and sorry if I'm offending.
You are correct, I would never pay full retail for them, but I felt the same about OSB footwear untill I bought a pair 50% off retail, and I haven't regretted buying those, plus I'm curious to see how they compair to OSB (Oakstreetbootmakers.com) … Sometimes you end up liking something you never thought you would