What's your favorite Beer?
I love those Vedett glasses. Is that a polar bear on the logo? Sweet.
Yeah - it has a polar bear on the
bladelabel!.. Really in love with these glasses!.. But now time for some serious business…Liefmans... Where to start... Now owned by Moortgat (Duvel)... Their Cuvee brut Kriek nearly swept me off my feet... So it's time for this one, the Goudenband... This is just beautiful beer... Both in the way it is presented (I'm a sucker for a nice wrapping paper), and more importantly in taste... Sour, complex, dark; and a nice 8°... I'm thoroughly enjoying this!.. Oh: and it costs 2.15 €... Time to get some more and age them... Exp date is 2022...
Bink Bloesem… Bink is known for its crazy grand cru named WINTERKONINKSKE... I had that during the winter and it was real fucking hardcore... This here beer is enriched with pear syrup and honey... 7.1°... Definitely not (too) sweet, but definitely lacks body as well... Nothing too crazy, but refreshing...
Really liking this one. Very tart.
Sour beers rule.
Caesar Augustus, it's a craft brew lager/ IPA hybrid from Scotland, and it is a pretty good summer beer.
Only a steady 4.1%, but it's a nice drink.
Never tried it, so I will take your word for it Eli, tonight I had the choice of basically whatever was sold at my local Sainsburys (supermarket).
Look - it's a beer they serve at my local… It's excellent if you sit out at 25 C°... But it's absolute shite otherwise.. So yeah: I poured it in the sink and am now having a Kriek Boon... And after the first sip I was talking to myself about how brilliant it is living here in Belgium... This Kriek Boon costs under 1 €/ bottle... No added sugar or sweeteners... Pure Lambic greatness... 25 % old and fresh cherries... Expiry date is 2017... Mmmmmmmmm...
Over here we get Leffe, Vedette, Hoegaarden and Stella from Belgium in our Supermarkets
Went to this yesterday:
Really good fun, good beer, sun shine and food.