What's your favorite Beer?
Bink Bloesem… Bink is known for its crazy grand cru named WINTERKONINKSKE... I had that during the winter and it was real fucking hardcore... This here beer is enriched with pear syrup and honey... 7.1°... Definitely not (too) sweet, but definitely lacks body as well... Nothing too crazy, but refreshing...
Really liking this one. Very tart.
Sour beers rule.
Caesar Augustus, it's a craft brew lager/ IPA hybrid from Scotland, and it is a pretty good summer beer.
Only a steady 4.1%, but it's a nice drink.
Never tried it, so I will take your word for it Eli, tonight I had the choice of basically whatever was sold at my local Sainsburys (supermarket).
Look - it's a beer they serve at my local… It's excellent if you sit out at 25 C°... But it's absolute shite otherwise.. So yeah: I poured it in the sink and am now having a Kriek Boon... And after the first sip I was talking to myself about how brilliant it is living here in Belgium... This Kriek Boon costs under 1 €/ bottle... No added sugar or sweeteners... Pure Lambic greatness... 25 % old and fresh cherries... Expiry date is 2017... Mmmmmmmmm...
Over here we get Leffe, Vedette, Hoegaarden and Stella from Belgium in our Supermarkets
Went to this yesterday:
Really good fun, good beer, sun shine and food.
I drank the last one in my fridge a few days ago; it really is excellent.