What's your favorite Beer?
But it's Belgium's finest lambic beer. It says so right in the label.
Girardin Gueuze Black Label (Fond)… Perfect score at Ratebeer... I can see why...
This is the best beer I've ever had… :o ???
[img width=640 height=853]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h429/Seul666/Seul666d/P1220398_zpsd0e855cb.jpg
this is my favorite beer to have a few cases in the fridge for when folks pop by. There is so little fancy or special that they didn't even bother giving it a name, just called it what it is. The label has many random things going on and there are bunnies on the caps . Totally drinkable when you don't want anything dark and heavy and hoppy.
They only used to sell this in the prairies when I was a kid, and we pillaged countless numbers of these from my buddies dads beer fridge
they just started selling it out where I live now, couldn't be happier.
Anyone who can get this MUST get this. I consider myself a genuine hophead, and this IPA might be one of the best I have ever tasted.
9.4% ABV
Stone is the tits. Ruination is a favorite.
Ridiculous… Too heavy for this weather (8.5°) but ef it... It's Friday innit?.. The colour is actually accurate!..
Looks like orange soda.
Yazoo Dos Perros!
That would probably be right up my alley.